Sunday, June 27, 2010


this looks good??????
this is why we do what we do
so we dont look like those fat hogs

put down your forks
smile through those hunger pains
puke till you see blood
we want to be thin and beautiful

your scale is your best friend
it tells you the bare truth
it lets you know that youre fat and horrid

want fat thighs
want a fat face
want fat dripping from all over your body
well then eat up fat fucking cow

i hope you enjoy your nasty greasy food
want more food?
cant live through the stomach pains
and the hunger pains
remember a second on the lips
for ever on the hips
you fucking obese pig

ana and mia are here to help you
not turn out like those fat pigs
yes it hurts
but if it was easy painless and effertless than everyone would be doing it

starve on and be strong
dont end up like a fat sloppy cow

Published with Blogger-droid v1.3.6

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