Thursday, August 13, 2009

I Passed The Test

lately ive been feeling as if ana has been testing me
and i passed the test
so much has happened to me since i wrote my last blog
i havent lost any weight because ive been so stressed
but ive reconnected with myself
ive patched up my relationship with ana
im ready
ive changed

i sat down at the dinner table last night
and i just stared at the food for about 2 hours

my family had a huge cook out the other day
and like everyone was eating and just eating more and more

it was so disgusting

my aunt asked me if i wanted a cheese burger
and i said no but she kept asking
i felt like lashing out at her
so i just took the fucking burger

then went inside and threw it away

and the fucking burger grease got on my hand
and like i washed my hands sooooo hard

food is making me sick
when i look at it i just want the puke



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