Sunday, October 3, 2010


i gained 13lbs
theres nothing or no one to blame but myself
i went from 147lbs to 160lbs in 2 weeks
ive eaten myself to the point of puking up everything at
the table because my body couldnt hold it in
ive eaten to the point of putting myself in excruciating
pain from over stretching my stomach
i went from a pretty concave tummy to a nasty
pot belly but this is where it has to stop
wrestling season starts after thanksgiving and i
will be 130Lbs im tired of being the fat tall girl i wanna
be the super slim super sexy tall girl
ive noticed that when ever i stay away from pro ana sites, blogs, thinspo vids, and others sites then thats when i get off track so ive made it a MUST to fall asleep to pro ana sites and to wake up to pro ana sites ive made it a must that i would post post a blog weekly
ive made it a must to fast every other week n the weeks i eat it must be 400cals or less im so fucking frustrated with myself i feel like a failure i feel week n i kno i have no self control but that will so all change starting today Sunday October 3rd, 2010

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