Saturday, June 20, 2009

Fasting Day 4-7

ive been fasting for a whole weeks now and ive lost 9 more pounds 
all together ive lost 13lbs in 7 days 
ive been working out like crazy and i havent eaten at all
right now water and lime juice mixed together are the only things ive been consuming 

words can express how i feel right now 
ive gone from 156lbs to 143lbs in 7 days
im 13lbs away from my goal weight of 13olbs
all i have to do is keep this up for one more week 

fasting has had its side affects 
i havent been able to focus on anything at all 
ive been having dizzy spells
im always sleepy
and im weak 
it hurts so do normal things
like when i was brushing my teeth this morning
it felt like i was holding a 100lb weight and now a little tooth brush
ive fainted a couple time also but not infront of anyone

other than those things im proud of myself

people have started to notice that im loosing weight 
everyone is complimenting my and telling me how good
i look and that i should keep up what im doing and that i should tell them my secret

and the guy ive been crushing on since like november of last year 
finally asked me out 
he just came up to me in the hall and asked me if i could go out with him sometime
he told me that he never really noticed me in the halls but that now he does

i know he notices me now because im not the dat cow i used to be im skinny 
and beautiful i cant wait to get thinner im not going to fast for more than 2 weeks
i dont want to starve to death haha

im just gonna fast for another week then im going to try to only eat 500 cals a day
or less
then after doing that for 2 weeks
im going to fast again for 2 weeks

when the school year starts next year i hope to be at least 115
im going to be so thin and everyone will want to be friends with me 
and ill get all the boys i want 
and ill be prettier 
fitting in a size 0
i want girls to envy me
and to want to be skinny like me 

this is what i want my body to look like 

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