Sunday, August 15, 2010

boys, boys, boys :)

I met a guy in june (let's call him CK).
We talked nonstop to each other for the whole month of june, I got to know him really good.
My intentions weren't to fall for this guy we were just going to be friends, but the more I talked to him the more I wished he was all mine.
In early july I decided to take the first step and ask him out. I thought that he would say no because of my age (I'm 16 he's 21) but surprisingly and amazingly he said yes. Our relationship is so perfect, he's a loving and very caring guy.
I can talk to him about every and anything, which leads me to my next topic.
I few weeks ago I told him about my eating disorder and how much I struggle with food, my weight, and my body image.
At first he was shocked, he stayed silent for about 10mins. He hugged me and asked me why I was doing this. I could feel his tears falling on my neck. He looked me in the eyes and said "I wish there was something I could do to help you" then I began to cry he held me close and kissed my forehead.
I told him "I know I need help and I've gone for help before and I relapsed, I know I still need help but I'm not ready to accept it. I hate and love what I've become, what I'm doing." He put his hands on my cheek and wiped away my tears, I couldn't look him in the eyes but he made me. He said "I love you and it hurts me to know that you don't see the beauty that I see in you, I can't force you to do anything, I can't force you to stop, I know you've struggled enough and I don't want you to have to struggle anymore, all I can truly do is accept this and offer as much help to you as I can. I know sooner or later you're going to realize you're a beautiful pure hearted girl and that you don't need this." Then he kissed me
I feel that telling CK this has made our relationship stronger. He doesn't judge me he really loves me.
I thought telling him this would change a lot I thought he would constantly check up on me to make sure I'm eating, and I thought he wouldn't trust me alone but he's not like that he really accepts me and he knows i'll seek help when I'm ready.

Have any of you girls or guys told your current or past significant others about your eating disorder? What was the out come? Did things change? Did they accept it or just judge you?

**I haven't posted any updates about the ABC Diet because I'm not on it anymore I made it to the half way mark (Day 25) and stopped I stopped for personal reasons that I do not wish to share right now**

beauty is in the eyes of the
h u n g r y<3

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