Friday, April 9, 2010

Ana Boot Camp Diet (ABC Diet)

Day 1: 500 calories (or less)
Day 2: 500 calories (or less)
Day 3: 300 calories
Day 4: 400 calories
Day 5: 100 calories
Day 6: 200 calories
Day 7: 300 calories
Day 8: 400 calories
Day 9: 500 calories
Day 10: Fast
Day 11: 150 calories
Day 12: 200 calories
Day 13: 400 calories
Day 14: 350 calories
Day 15: 250 calories
Day 16: 200 calories
Day 17: Fast
Day 18: 200 calories
Day 19: 100 calories
Day 20: Fast
Day 21: 300 calories
Day 22: 250 calories
Day 23: 200 calories
Day 24: 150 calories
Day 25: 100 calories
Day 26: 50 calories
Day 27: 100 calories
Day 28: 200 calories
Day 29: 200 calories
Day 30: 300 calories
Day 31: 800 calories
Day 32: Fast
Day 33: 250 calories
Day 34: 350 calories
Day 35: 450 calories
Day 36: Fast
Day 37: 500 calories
Day 38: 450 calories
Day 39: 400 calories
Day 40: 350 calories
Day 41: 300 calories
Day 42: 250 calories
Day 43: 200 calories
Day 44: 200 calories
Day 45: 250 calories
Day 46: 200 calories
Day 47: 300 calories
Day 48: 200 calories
Day 49: 150 calories
Day 50: fast

Here's a personal tip that worked for me

Eat your calories after 5pm this will make sure you don't binge

Plan a meal cut it into 4 or 3 servings and eat them through out the day

Try not to over season your food the better it tastes the more you'll want

If u feel you're going to binge DO NOT CHEW & SPIT
Because once you taste the food trust me you will not spit

JELLO they have 0 calorie ones now its the best thing ever carry one with you everywhere when you feel like pigging out on some sweets just eat your 0 cal jello and the suger will boost your energy when you're feeling a bit week

Eat lots and lots of pomagranets you have to do so much work to pick out the little fruit that by time you're ready to eat it you're not hungry anymore

Get a good nights sleep with is a MUST the more your awake the more you think about food

Being thin feels good

Thursday, April 8, 2010

im BACK!

I've been gone for a while yes I know

While I was gone I ate and ate and ate some more I went back to 174Lbs

Then one day I got on the scale and saw how much I weighed and I just stood there and cried my eyes out

But for some good news
I'm 150Lbs right now I lost 24Lbs and all it took was a bit of self control and my best friend ana

I wanna go down to 130Lbs bf school is out wish me luck

And I'm going on a 50 day diet its called the ABC Diet aka (Ana Boot Camp Diet)

Ill try to tell you gals about my day to day progress but if not ill get on here when I can <333333333333333333

Stay strong my pretties